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Episode 2 is out now!

Episode Description

Though we set out to complete this project in 2016, through some unforeseen circumstances this was just not possible.  We have now set out to ensure that this is done and dusted as earlier as possible in 2017.

This episode we start welding up the bottom engine mounts and start positioning the engine in the jig.  Stay tuned for more episodes shortly!

Project Details

Client Team Thompson Racing’s Junior Program
Start Date April 2015
Planned End Date Early 2017
Sponsors / Supporters Hills Motorcycle Wreckers, Jeff Lawarence

Team Thompson Racing’s First Junior Speedway Sidecar Build

Project Description

In 2015, Team Thompson Racing set out to receive funding and support to build a junior speedway sidecar that will promote junior sidecars all over Australia.  In 2016, we are aiming to complete this project.  There are quite a number of different components when building a complete sidecar from scratch, including frame design, front end design, ground clearance, length and width of the bike, engine, exhaust system, fuel system and cooling system, just to name a few.

Project Details

Client Team Thompson Racing’s Junior Program
Start Date April 2015
Planned End Date December 2016
Sponsors / Supporters Hills Motorcycle Wreckers, Jeff Lawarence

Junior Sidecar Engine! 2010 Kawasaki EX250J!

Adam has been talking with quite a few potential sponsors from around Australia and is proud to announce Hills Motorcycle Wreckers as the official sponsor of the Team Thompson Racing Junior Speedway Sidecar, the team cannot thank David from Hill Motorcycle Wreckers for donating a brand new 2010 Kawasaki Ninja 250r (Ex250j) complete engine kit that will used to run the Junior Speedway Sidecar.

Please check these guys out at they are absolutely fantastic!

Speedway Sidecar Frame Jig

Construction of the speedway sidecar jig has begun … this will be used to design and build the new junior speedway sidecar frame from scratch … first job, cut up all the steel …

Almost Done ...

The Speedway Sidecar Frame jig is now almost complete … just a few more bits to add

Time to paint some wheels

To match the rest of the bike … we decided to change the wheels to red instead of the original white

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